Interactive Brokers Group Cyber Security Notice

Interactive Brokers Group ("IB") maintains certain personally identifiable information regarding clients in its electronic databases to facilitate the processing of transactions on behalf of its clients to comply with rules, regulations and laws. The personally identifiable information stored on IB's network is protected from unauthorized access, treated as confidential, and handled according to the terms of the Interactive Brokers Group privacy policy.

IB attests that personally identifiable information and customer information stored on our systems is protected as follows:

  • IB's Internet-facing servers are protected from access through firewalls and/or other security devices.
  • The firm's critical servers reside on isolated networks that have no direct Internet access.
  • IB internal systems that store customer personally identifiable information locks people out of internal systems after a few unsuccessful login attempts.
  • Access to shared drives is restricted to active employees and pre-authorized individuals on a "need to know" basis within IB through password-protected logins to the network.
  • Encryption technology is employed for data transmissions across public networks and on portable media devices.
  • System backups reside either in secure facilities at IB or in secure storage provided by a third party specializing in secure information management.
  • Personally identifying information is generally not stored on laptop computers or other portable devices. Further all data stored on laptop hard drives is encrypted.
  • All end-station computers use antivirus software that is regularly updated.
  • Operating System security patches are applied to all systems on a regular basis.
  • Employees are trained on the requirements to protect personal information.
  • IB has adopted written policies and procedures, reasonably designed to protect personally identifiable information.

IB further attests that should a breach occur, management will promptly take action to secure information, mitigate the breach, and notify, on a timely basis, any customers whose personally identifiable information could have been compromised.

Il rischio di perdite derivanti dalla negoziazione online di azioni, opzioni, future, valute, azioni estere e obbligazioni può essere significativo. La negoziazione di opzioni non è adatta a tutti gli investitori. Consulta l'informativa "Characteristics & Risks of Standardized Options" per saperne di più.

Il tuo capitale è a rischio e l'entità delle perdite può superare quella dell'investimento originario.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Financial Conduct Authority. Numero di registrazione presso la FCA: 208159.

Interactive Brokers LLC è una società regolamentata negli Stati Uniti dalla SEC e dalla CFTC e aderisce al sistema di indennizzo gestito dalla SIPC (
I prodotti sono coperti dal sistema di indennizzo previsto nel Regno Unito dalla FSCS solamente in misura limitata.

Prima di intraprendere attività di negoziazione i clienti sono tenuti a prendere visione delle rilevanti informative sui rischi di cui alla pagina Avvisi e informative.

Per una lista delle istituzioni alle quali IBG partecipa in tutto il mondo, consulta l'elenco delle nostre borse.